I created this animation for projection during the performance of 'Abrahams Theme' from Chariots of Fire during 'The Big Picture' performances in New York. Complex themes of olympic competition, spiritual struggles and victory are simplified into abstracted forms - the iconic opening scene of the film 'Chariots of Fire' is re-imagined by footprints in the sand. Ideas of competition and struggle are simplified into a race between two lines - exploring the ideas of the film in an artistic and visually striking way. I was approached by my good friend Leo Nguyen at Light of Day, NY who Art Directed this collaborative project. The piece was mentioned in the NY times article review of the event: "...the play of sound and image sometimes worked beautifully, as in the blurred images for “Shoah Trilogy,” and the abstract animations for “Abraham’s Theme” (from “Chariots of Fire”), which created driving propulsion with little more than two parallel lines." - New York Times. 'A Clarinet Does Scenes' by Nate Chinen. 10 days concept to completion (solo work).